Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in form of testable explanations and predictions about the world.So therefore the effects or the advantages of science in our life is that we can gain more learnings or we can have a brilliant ideas,explanation about our world or universe.But guess what? Eventhough there are lots of advantages of one thing it has also a disadvantages. The disadvantages of this is that sometimes others lost faith in God because they just only believing in their selves and focusing in their ideas and abilities without minding that everything that is happen,and every briliant ideas that we have is a gift from our Lord.
Technology is the making,usage,and knowledge of tools,techniques,crafts,system or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or serve some purpose.The effects or the advantages of this in our life is that it makes our activities or work easily and faster.It makes our life or the flow of the event in our daily life very quick as quick as the technology can.But the disadvantages of it is that we lose our trust in our self to do every task or reports that we have because we always depends on the capacity of the technology.This can be sometimes the cause or reasons why there are lazy people in the world.
I definitely believe that science and technology is made up for the purpose of being our guide in every days activities and reports not as a ruler of our life and a secretary of our life.Sometimes we need to stand up in our own,try to do some reports or whatever events in daily lives using our own talents and knowledge ,if its too simple problem then try to solve it by your own.Life is not basing or depending in whatever technology that exist today we don't need to focus our self in that because what if it will gone?right? does you ever think about that?So be a responsible person and not a lazy ONE.
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